Peton Law


Mon - Fri : 8AM to 6PM

How To Settle An Insurance Dispute
  • By: D. Neal Peton, Esq.
  • Published: August 18, 2020

Many consumers who buy an insurance policy assume their provider will be on their side, should the need to file a claim arise. Insurance companies have a duty to act in good faith, meaning that when they issue a policy they must in good faith pay benefits if a claim is made and certain required conditions are met. Unfortunately, insurers do not always uphold their side of the bargain, and sometimes even refuse to honor a claim. Worse still, they may refuse to defend an individual. When an insurance company refuses to pay a claim, it can be difficult to know if what the company is saying is correct. Genuine disputes do exist, such as when the insurer denies benefits because they fall outside the policy coverage. If this has happened to you, consult an attorney who can give you legal advice about what the…Read More

Is Insurance Not Paying For Your Car?
  • By: D. Neal Peton, Esq.
  • Published: August 18, 2020

Is your insurance company not paying to fix your car or not paying a fair value for your car after an accident? If so, ORS 20.080 might be just the tool you need to fix that problem. Mistakes happen, we all know it. That is why we have insurance. But what happens when the insurance companies don’t do the right thing and pay for those mistakes? If you were involved in a motor vehicle crash (sometimes called motor vehicle accident or MVA), trucking accident, or motorcycle accident, the person who caused the damage should take responsibility. If the responsible party has insurance, that person’s insurance should fulfill the obligations of its insured. Sometimes, however, an insurance company does not do honor its obligations. For instance, the company may not pay for all the repairs, or cover the full value of vehicle (if totaled). They may…Read More

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